red wood and blue skies [ closed ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 5th
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glitch maverick
red wood and blue skies [ closed ]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 17:49:23 GMT
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sea air was supposed to be good for his recovery. whatever the hell that meant. good for recovery just meant that doctors didn't know how to help him anymore.

not that he cared. at least he could breath out here. even if he was stuck in a shitty wheelchair. his hands playing with his poryphone he hoped that ciel had gotten his message. he hoped that maybe he was still interested in showing up.

of course they'd had a good time at the fair and all that but it didn't mean that the other man hadn't had time to reconsider this whole thing. there was so much that he hadn't told him... so much he needed to tell him. so much that if he told him he'd be putting them both in danger. but he wanted it to be worth it.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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red wood and blue skies [ closed ]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2021 2:59:47 GMT
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Ciel had not reconsidered anything.

proved to be a very interesting person, one that Ciel enjoyed spending time with. It was so rare, with all that he traveled, to meet up with people who he could actually maybe call friends. Most people just thought he was weird. Others who ended up recognizing him usually wanted to use him for something or got angry when he didn't live up to their fantasies. But Glitch had been kind and didn't seem to mind his eccentricities.

It was getting colder, which wasn't saying much for Hoenn since it was tropical, but at least he wasn't roasting like when he had been on beach during the Star Tournament. It was quick to spot Glitch when he approached, a hand raising up to catch the other's attention and a smile widening on his face.

"Glitch! It's so lovely to see you again!"
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june 5th
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glitch maverick
red wood and blue skies [ closed ]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2021 15:55:58 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
he felt relieved whenever ciel actually showed up. he'd wanted to do so many things with him but... it had all been falling short as of lately. but for now he needed to calm himself. act nonchalant about the conversation they were going to have. prepare to eventually have his heart broken.

"i brought us some juice."

they were juice boxes he'd bought when he realized that getting up to get drinks was impossible right now. and that having to go to the store was a pain in the ass. for multiple reasons. he held one of them out for ciel to take.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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red wood and blue skies [ closed ]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 8:09:09 GMT
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Ciel was oblivious as hell. It hadn't even crossed his mind that maybe wanted to speak with him on a more serious matter. He just smiled and took the accepted juice box when it was offered, pleased as punch.

"Thank you! I was quite parched." Even with it growing colder, the Hoenn region was still quite warm. Ciel wasn't used to the heat. His normal clothes didn't help matters, since he didn't enjoy when his body wasn't covered with long sleeves and pants.

"I hope you've been doing well, Glitch! I have missed seeing you." Sadly, he was still rather busy. But he did try and chip out any time he could to see Glitch when possible.
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june 5th
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glitch maverick
red wood and blue skies [ closed ]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2021 21:05:28 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
"it's a little hard for me to be out and about right now... sorry." he blamed himself for being careless on that mission. he blamed himself for getting in over his head. he blamed himself for a lot of things. even if they weren't his fault.

he blamed himself that they couldn't spend more time together. and in a way it was true. he was terrified of hurting him with the truth. so it just seemed easier to stay away. "hopefully i'll be able to move better soon... i've missed you a lot." he was stalling. but stalling was fine.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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red wood and blue skies [ closed ]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2021 18:30:19 GMT
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"There isn't any need to apologize. You haven't done anything wrong." Ciel gave a very slight frown. It wasn't that he was upset with , more that he felt bad that Glitch seemed to feel guilty for not being able to be out as much. It was understandable, with what had happened, that he would be busy or adjusting.

But, Ciel was an optimist, so he quickly gave another smaller, gentler smile and offered his hand to Glitch to take if he wanted.

"You've been a good friend to me, Glitch. There isn't a time limit or requirement to keep my friendship. You suddenly needing time doesn't change that." Said with sincerity.
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